Sunday, January 6, 2019

Jukebox Quiz #1

Just a short quiz this week. I'm calling this and possible future quizzes like it a "jukebox quiz". This probably isn't a new idea at all, but I haven't thought of it or seen it before now (please humor me). The quiz has eleven questions, and the answer to the 11th question is the title of a song. The lyrics of that song also happen to contain the answers to the previous ten questions.

Clear as mud? Well, this jukebox won't cost you even a quarter (what do jukeboxes charge these days, I wonder?), go ahead and give it a spin...

1. John Mellencamp sang about where he was born, where he lives, and where he'll “probably die” in what 1985 song?

2. What do Gladys Knight and the Pips take to Georgia in a 1973 classic hit?

3. What was the last city to have the defending World Series, Stanley Cup and NFL champions all at the same time (1936)?

4. What's the last name of this acting brother and sister? He was in Beastmaster and the original V miniseries; she was in the TV version of Fame and starred in the original Footloose.

5. What's the more familiar first name of singer/songwriter William Robinson Jr.?

6. What does an oenophile particularly enjoy?

7. What word derived from Dutch and French describes a wide street often lined with trees or having a landscaped median?

8. New York City recently had to replace 29,000 LED bulbs it had installed in what public safety devices after citizens complained they were too bright?

9. Speaking of Gladys Knight, what gaming items each have 21 pips?

10. Reaching #11 in 1977, what was the title of singer/songwriter Stephen Bishop’s highest-charting single on Billboard’s pop chart?

11. Now for the kicker: The answers to the first 10 questions are also found in the lyrics of what 1981 song?
Too hard? Too easy? Too stupid? Lemme know:

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