Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy Prime New Year!

2017 should be a prime year for trivia or whatever else you're into in life, because 2017 is a prime number. 2011 was the last year that was a prime number, and we won't have one again until 2027, so savor this prime year like it's a delicious prime rib. Or, if you're vegan, binge-watch Transformers and savor some Optimus Prime.

On with the quiz. Name the year these events happened. In each case, the year is also a prime number...

1. George Washington inaugurated as the first U.S. President

2. The original King Kong movie is released

3. Jamestown colony founded

4. Pan-American exposition opens in Buffalo, New York

5. South Park debuts on American TV

6. An earthquake and tsunami lead to a nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan

7. Partial core meltdown occurs at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania

8. The Simpsons make their first appearance on American TV

9. NAFTA signed into law

10. Eiffel Tower opened to the public

11. John Elway wins Super Bowl MVP, retires

12. The Human Genome Project is completed

13. George Steinbrenner buys the New York Yankees (from CBS!) (for $10 million!)

14. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg tried for espionage and sentenced to death

15. "The Star-Spangled Banner" becomes the national anthem of the United States

16. The deadliest fire in U.S. history kills at least 1,500 in and around Peshtigo, Wisconsin, the same day as the Great Chicago Fire

17. The first NASCAR race is run, the first Emmy Awards are awarded, the first round-the-world flight is completed and the first monkey is launched into space

18. Levi Strauss and Co. begin manufacturing Levi's jeans, the first Preakness Stakes is run,  the Heineken Brewery, and, ironically, the Women's Christian Temperance Union are both founded

19. The first Wimbledon tournament is held, the first Westminster Kennel Club show is held, and a President who won the Electoral College but not the popular vote is inaugurated

Sure, I could go for 20, but 19 is a prime number, so that's a prime excuse for me to close this one out. Watch for trivia nuggets on Twitter (@TriviaRoad) and various quizzes and articles here at the blog.

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