Saturday, March 14, 2020

Sports trivia has not been cancelled

Well the coronavirus may have taken sports away from us, BUT IT CANNOT TAKE OUR TRIVIA! So let's strike back for the sports world with 20 questions about sports with events that have been cancelled or delayed in recent days. And if anybody knows anything about delays, it's the bozo who “maintains” this blog...

(Always and forever, NCAA questions refer to the largest division unless specified otherwise.)

1. Who is the defending Masters champion (Not for the first time)?
2. What President had a tree on the 17th fairway at Augusta National named for him after he wanted it torn down because it interfered with his shots? 
3. The NCAA men's and women's basketball tournaments were cancelled, so what two schools get to defend those titles again next year?
4. Which men's coach has won the most NCAA basketball championships?
5. Which school has won the most women's NCAA basketball championships?
6. It has 68 teams today, but how many teams played in the first men's NCAA basketball tournament in 1939?
7. And which school won it?
8. Baseball's not cancelled, but Opening Day has been delayed. Who's the only pitcher to throw a no-hitter on Opening Day?
9. In what stadium did the Oakland A's and Seattle Mariners open the 2019 season?
10. What team currently has the MLB's longest dry spell since winning their last World Series (1948)?
11. A couple of spring training questions since that got cut short: What pitcher (quite unintentionally) killed a dove with a fastball during a spring training game in 2001 (which turned out to be a great year for him and his team)?
12. What singer went 1-for-22 in spring training with the Padres in 1999 and 0-for-17 (with four walks) the next spring with the New York Mets?
13. How many times has an NBA season been shortened by a labor lockout? 
14. How many times has the NHL shortened or cancelled a season due to labor conflict? 
15. Who are the defending NBA champions? (Hey, this is trivia for those of us whose city lacks an NBA team)
16. Now that the St. Louis Blues are off the schnide, who has the NHL's longest dry spell since winning their last Stanley Cup (1967)?
17. What event notorious for its Heartbreak Hill is normally held every Patriots' Day?
18. The major European soccer leagues have all gone on hold, too. If you don't like soccer, your question #18 is: who currently leads La Liga, Spain's top league, in goals scored? If you like soccer, your question is: who leads the Premier League, England's top league, in goals scored?
19. NASCAR also shut down operations for at least this weekend. Who was leading this year's Daytona 500 when he suffered a horrifying crash on the final lap? (And still finished in fourth! Upside down!)
20. Last but not least, the XFL sadly has had to cancel the 2nd half of its return season. In its original season, what was the infamous back-of-jersey nickname used by running back Rod Smart?

Too hard? Too easy? Too stupid? Lemme know: