Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, and welcome to another once-in-a-blue-moon Trivia Road quiz, this one vaguely inspired by today's holiday. Try it on for size when the football game gets boring...

(Free trivia: the painting pictured is Freedom From Want by Norman Rockwell)

1. Mentioned in the Bible, what peak is Turkey's highest point?
2. Turkey is bordered by which three seas?
3. Which Turkish city was known as Byzantium until the 4th century A.D.?
4. The Turkish city of Bursa was the original capital city of what empire?
5. Who are these people?

1. What part of men's formal wear gets its name from the Hindi word for waistband?
2. What style of hat gets its name from an 1882 play by Victorien Sardou?
3. According to legend, what clothing item plunged in popularity thanks to a Clark Gable scene in 1934's It Happened One Night?
4. White wedding dresses didn't become popular until who wore one for her wedding in 1840?
5. Which fashion designer has trademarked the shade of red used on the soles of his highly sought-after high-heel shoes?

1. What day is celebrated as Pi Day?
2. What is pi's position in the Greek alphabet? (alpha is first, beta is second...)
3. What shape's volume is calculated with the formula 4/3 π r3?
4. Who is credited with calculating the first accurate (3.14) value of pi?
5. Does the sequence 123456 occur anywhere in the first million decimal places of pi?

1. What do the 7th, 9th and 10th QBs on the NFL's all-time-passing yardage list have in common?
2. What many-times injured QB is the oldest Heisman Trophy winner currently on an NFL roster?
3. What team has had nine (the most) different head coaches, including Hue Jackson, since the Patriots hired Bill Belichick in 2000?
4. What's the only NFL team that hasn't qualified for the playoffs yet this century?
5. What's the only company with naming rights to more than one NFL stadium?

1. What dance move mentioned in "Do You Love Me?" by the Contours was made famous by James Brown?
2. What Irish band hit #1 in 1994 with the protest song "Zombie"?
3. Green Giant recently set a world record by creating a 637-pound version of what Thanksgiving standard?
4. First published 100 years ago, the recipe for what dish was influenced by the Cracker Jack company?
5. What piece of a table setting is also known as a sauciere?